3 Signs You Should Consider Clinical Counselling

Picture of Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

“I have worked professionally caring for people for over 35 years. For over 20 years, I have been certified as a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.”

Dr. Michael Dadson Langley BC Counselling and Therapy

Why Seek Clinical Counselling in The First Place?

Seeing a clinical counsellor does not necessarily mean that you have “problems”; it means that you want to grow mentally and emotionally. It also means that you want to live your life as fully as possible.

Dr. Michael Dadson of Langley, British Columbia is a registered clinical counsellor who has seeing mainly anxiety, depression and PTSD clients for over 35 years in his community and offers some thoughts for those who are wondering whether it is time to see a professional about their mental health.


Dr. Dadson’s certifications include:  

“Everybody’s Doing It” – Mental Health Is Becoming A Priority Globally

There are still some people who believe that seeing a therapist has a stigma attached to it, but like so many aspects of modern culture, therapy is a regular part of life for more Canadians now than ever before, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the unhealthy restrictions placed on families and individuals.  Family and spouse violence increased significantly with the onset of pandemic-related restrictions and numerous global organizations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization are warning of a mental health crisis related to the pandemic.
Man Stressed

According to an article in Forbes, about one third of Americans have displayed clinical signs of depression, anxiety, or both since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. You are not alone if you are seeing a professional or thinking of seeing one soon.

Dr. Michael Dadson: Treating Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD

Gentle Currents Clinic in Langley, British Columbia is where Dr. Michael Dadson and his wife, Jeanette Dadson, treat clients for a wide range of mental health issues, above all: anxiety, Depression, and PTSD.

Although British Columbia has impressive and positive statistics for health and quality of life, as in the rest of the world, there still exist major challenges to the human psyche, even for those fortunate enough to live in what is possibly the healthiest province in Canada.

Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

Many people have gone their entire lifetimes without ever having sought the services of a psychology professional and feel as though they can “keep calm and carry on”, yet there are many benefits to be gained from seeking professional help, especially during challenging times.

Push The Fast Forward Button With Therapy

There are some signs that it’s time to see a clinical counsellor who can help you to get through a challenging time in your life and make decisions which are best for you. 

Therapy can “push the fast-forward button” when it comes to understanding the origins of, and resolution for, so many of the unpleasant and unproductive feelings you are experiencing.

Ask yourself some simple questions to help determine if now is the time to book an appointment.

1. Are You More Emotional Than Usual?

Sometimes clinical counselling seems the obvious approach in addressing feelings that unmistakeably get your attention: it may feel like an “emotional rollercoaster”.

If you notice that you have lost control of your temper, are crying uncontrollably, are frozen with rage, or have become reckless for some reason, then you are probably already aware, or at least suspect, that it would be a good idea to sit down and talk to a professional. 

You may recently have suffered a trauma, a loss, a betrayal, or had some other bad news; examining your mental and emotional state can save you a lot of time and emotional pain if you are losing control of yourself, even temporarily.

“Remember that we go through many phases in our lives and they are all temporary. If you notice that you are more emotionally reactive than you would like…. emotions are taking charge over you rather than you having charge over them, you can benefit from some counselling.”

2. Are You Less Emotional Than Usual?

For various reasons which are still being researched, depression can actually “muffle” your emotions so that instead of feeling acutely sad or upset, you can actually feel emotionless, zombie-like, or completely detached from your emotions.

“If you have the sense that you don’t feel any emotions…. If you sense that your emotions are blunted and you’ve lost the sense of being alive emotionally, that would be a sign that counselling could be really helpful for you because it can make you feel more alive. Emotions animate us, giving us movement and energy to go forward and live our lives.”

3. Are You Noticing an Increase in, or a New Presence of DEPRESSION?

One of the most common mental health challenges that Dr. Dadson sees in his practice is depression. It can be a huge relief for those suffering from depression to seek clinical counselling sooner than later.  There is a significant difference between grief or sadness and clinical depression, and at Gentle Currents Therapy, clients can learn about their own mental health and get on track to live fulfilling lives and experience their feelings with clarity and positivity.According to the World Health Organization, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression, globally.

“Depression … is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease More women are affected by depression than men. Depression can lead to suicide.”

Are you losing your zest for life?

Losing your zest for life is a clear indication that counselling is a good idea. If you are looking for reasons to continue your life, a clinical counsellor like Dr. Michael Dadson can help you find your way to joy.

Are You Thinking About Death or Dying?

Be sure to get help as soon as possible if you find yourself actively thinking about death or dying.

Generally, these thoughts of death and dying are a temporary state and a therapist is able to help you get through this mental and emotional state.


If you are, or someone you know is, in immediate danger of committing suicide, you should definitely call 9-1-1 right away.

Did you know that in Canada, if you type into Google the search query “reasons to live”, the number-one result will be the Canada Suicide Prevention Service? Canadians are fortunate to live in a country where the government places a great deal of value on human life and moreover, to the quality of life for its citizens.

More Signs of Depression Which Can Be Telling You That It’s Time To Seek Help.

If you have asked yourself these very simple questions and feel it is time for you to book an appointment, Dr. Michael Dadson is available for in-office visits; in case you are quarantined or simply wish to stay home for your appointment, he is able to provide secure-session video conferencing for a remote therapy session.


Dr. Michael Dadson, PHD 

Gentle Currents

Counselling and Neurofeedback

Belmont Centre

#109 20103 40th Avenue

Langley BC, V3A 2W3


Call/Text: (778) 554-0174


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