Dr. Michael Dadson Explains the Psychological Effects of Shame and Guilt

According to Dr. Dadson, shame and guilt, depression, anxiety, and PTSD can create a self-perpetuating, vicious cycle in the psyche.
Michael Dadson Ph.D. Discusses PTSD, Veterans, And First Responders

Dr. Michael Dadson, PhD has a history of helping veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Michael Dadson Ph.D. – Couples Therapy in Langley, BC

Dr. Michael Dadson, PhD has a history of helping veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Dr. Michael Dadson, Langley, BC Clinical Counsellor: First Responders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

First responders on the forefront of crises and disasters are at significantly greater risk of suffering from PTSD Most Canadians get through an ordinary day without once thinking of the huge sacrifices made by first responders in their ordinary workday. Imagine facing life-and-death situations as a regular occurrence and ask yourself if you could mentally […]
Michael Dadson PhD Depression Anxiety

Dr. Michael Dadson, PhD has a history of helping veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Choosing a Therapist

Mike Dadson Ph.D. Clinical Counsellor operates his clinic in Langley, BC. www.gentlecurrentstherapy.com See Mike Dadson’s YouTube Videos at youtube.com/channel/UCLnx2V8zK9VEg60V5NH2fDQ Why Therapy Can Be Helpful There are many reasons for deciding to see a professional counselor or therapist. There are the most common reasons, which include grief, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, mood management, relationship difficulties, trauma and PTSD. A […]
Uncertainty During the Coronavirus Pandemic

During this time of uncertainty with the Coronavirus, Michael Dadson has had many conversations with people about how we can handle the uncertainty for ourselves and our families. Here are some thoughts: 1) It’s NORMAL to feel anxious: everyone feels the uncertainty of the situation, you are not alone in feeling this way. 2) We can […]
Gentle Current Therapy Brookswood Langley

Dr. Michael Dadson, PhD has a history of helping veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Finding Calm During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How we think about things is very powerful. Shifting how we think about self-isolation and feeling lonely and unable to do what we normally do, to a powerful perspective will not only help keep our own spirits up, but help curb the spread of the cornonavirus. Here are some of my thoughts:1) It’s NORMAL to […]
Evaluation of a group intervention for veterans who experienced military related trauma

Military-related trauma and veteran status have been linked with post-traumatic stress symptoms, depressive symptoms, and other personal and interpersonal difficulties. While many treatment evaluations for people with post-traumatic stress exist, few veteran populations or group formats have been evaluated. This report presents an evaluation of the Veterans Transition Program (VTP)–a group-based treatment for veterans who […]