Dr. Michael Dadson Military Trauma Therapy

Evaluation of a group intervention for veterans who experienced military related trauma

Picture of Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

“I have worked professionally caring for people for over 35 years. For over 20 years, I have been certified as a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.”

Dr. Michael Dadson Langley BC Counselling and Therapy

Military-related trauma and veteran status have been linked with post-traumatic stress symptoms, depressive symptoms, and other personal and interpersonal difficulties. While many treatment evaluations for people with post-traumatic stress exist, few veteran populations or group formats have been evaluated. This report presents an evaluation of the Veterans Transition Program (VTP)–a group-based treatment for veterans who experienced a military-related trauma that is negatively impacting their lives. Fifty-six veterans attended the VTP; all attended every session and completed pre- and post-tests assessing post-traumatic stress and depressive symptoms. Significant pre- to post-test improvement was found on all scales. These findings demonstrate the potential benefit of the VTP and encourage further research.

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