Finding calm during pandemic in Langley BC with Dr. Michael Dadson

Finding Calm During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Picture of Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

“I have worked professionally caring for people for over 35 years. For over 20 years, I have been certified as a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.”

Dr. Michael Dadson Langley BC Counselling and Therapy

How we think about things is very powerful. Shifting how we think about self-isolation and feeling lonely and unable to do what we normally do, to a powerful perspective will not only help keep our own spirits up, but help curb the spread of the cornonavirus.

Here are some of my thoughts:
1) It’s NORMAL to feel anxious. Everyone feels the uncertainty of the situation; you are not alone in feeling this way. You are not alone, we are in this together.

2) We can REDUCE feelings of powerlessness by seeing it as our job to help lower the curve. By isolating at home, we are taking a powerful step in combating this disease. We can own our situation and know we are contributing to a positive outcome.

3) HELP, rather than judge or blame. We all have a different response to stress. We are all in a learning curve, have patience with each other and help each other understand and support each other through phone calls, video calls, and other online activities. Look at what we are doing well and do more of it and encourage those around you by noticing what they are doing well. Work to support the positive in what you are seeing around you.

​4) Ask, “How can we HELP OTHERS in our community?”. If we are well, and considering social distancing and taking health precautions, how can we help others?​​ If you are healthy, contact your local VOLUNTEER organization to help deliver food to seniors or others who cannot get out, or foster a pet. Doing something for others actually helps us feel good.

5) Take the time to CALL and video-chat with friends and family, PLAY games together at home, and if alone play with your friends online, make that to-do list and do one or two things each day. ACCOMPLISHING something makes us feel good about ourselves. We can garden at home if we have a garden, or work on our pots for the deck, paint a room, paint a picture, paint in words as sometimes writing our thought down is helpful. Make family movie nights with popcorn and treats. Home made pizza is a fun activity for families or if you live alone.

6) Keeping up our daily ROUTINE is also great as structure helps us feel more in control of our lives. Keeping up with your regular at home routine is important; we feel more secure when we have routines we follow.

7) Take advantage of the situation by DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY. This is an opportunity to try different ways to do things and expand our horizons at home. We can socialize through video calls and zoom, and offer business services online. #Langley #michaeldadson #onlinecounselling #neurofeedback

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