Relationship Help?

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What can I learn in relationship counselling?

Entering into cohabitation or a long term, committed relationship means merging your life with another person. Being committed to understanding a partner’s point of view can be a challenge at times. People are increasingly facing marriage and relationship issues or breakdowns, especially in the trying times of today. Dr. Michael Dadson (Mike Dadson) believes it’s “important for couples to know they can acquire skills to understanding a partner, and reigniting what initially brought them together.”

Common issues and areas of concern which arise in a relationship:

  1. Arguments: rules must be established for arguments, allowing each other to time-out, no use of foul language, and staying on track, not going off into another area of conflict.
  2. Communication
  3. Moving or growing apart
  4. Infidelity
  5. Traumas
  6. Feeling under-appreciated
  7. Sex
  8. Money

Some of the most challenged relationships benefit from what they learn and discover in counselling.

How can relationship counselling help my partner and me?

Dr. Mike Dadson does not necessarily believe that “all marriages or relationships can be salvaged through counselling.” However, Dr. Dadson has watched “some of the most challenged relationships benefit from what they learn and discover in counselling.” Each individual in the relationship can remember why they came together, and absorb new communication skills they can apply to achieve a happier relationship together. If a relationship must end, it makes sense to close a relationship with dignity and respect while setting up the best future outcome for both individuals, and possibly for their children.

As a registered clinical counsellor (RCC) who works to support and resolve issues which couples may be experiencing, consider reaching out to Dr. Michael Dadson.


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Types of Counselling Available


One-on-one options for individuals needing help in overcoming issues or maintaining optimal mental health in their lives' daily challenges.


Couples counselling can be challenging, but the positive impact on your relationship, potential family members, and other external relationships in your life make it worth the effort.


Father and child or entire family counselling can provide your family with the tools, language, and behaviour to successfully communicate and overcome obstacles.

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