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A Better Way Forward
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are two important founders in the development of the humanistic therapy approach
Dr. Michael Dadson
Humanistic therapies emphasize the fundamental value of human dignity, identity, and self-direction.
This approach emphasizes values such as, respect, autonomy, integrity, and human growth potential as we approach each individual.
Dr. Mike Dadson’s approach with humanistic therapy is one of genuineness, acceptance and unconditional positive regard for his clients. Trusting that the direction for healing, growth and fulfillment live within each person and can be activated within an optimal environment.
Dr. Michael Dadson explains why humanistic therapy is distinctly different from psychoanalytic therapy. Dr. Dadson indicates the basis for the humanistic theory: “It is the study of the whole person and the distinctiveness of each unique individual.”
Dr. Mike Dadson summarizes Maslow and Rogers “self-actualization” theories in simple terms:
“Humans have an innate directive energy within them to meet and fulfill their needs, with the ability to pilot our emotions to attain our full potential.”
“When we grow up experiencing enough empathy, compassion, acceptance and nurturing, our mistakes, faults, or moral failures are framed with enough of the right stuff to keep us growing.”
Dr. Dadson continues: “Growing without fear of being perceived as bad if we do something wrong, is like having clean air to breathe that helps keeps us healthy even in toxic situations.”
Dr. Dadson, will provide a non- judgemental accepting space that respects you as your primary agent to explore how you want to change and grow.
He aims to help you focus and will work with you as long as it takes to help you accept yourself and generate more value for you and those you love.
Dr. Dadson seeks to enhance your relationship with yourself, so that you can learn how to provide unconditional self-love, self-worth and self-compassion in your own time and without imposed restrictions such as “we are only acceptable if certain terms or conditions are met.”
According to Dr. Michael Dadson, “Sometimes it is enough just to like ourselves enough for today.”
For more information on Humanistic Therapy please review these 5 links.
The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and practice
KJ Schneider et al.| 2014
Humanistic therapies versus other psychological therapies for depression
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Humanistic Psychology
Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers (Intro Psych Tutorial #144)
Humanistic Theory
Behaviour | MCAT | Khan Academy
Humanistic Psychology