Coronavirus and Pandemic Feelings of Uncertainty

Uncertainty During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Picture of Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Dadson Ph.D.

“I have worked professionally caring for people for over 35 years. For over 20 years, I have been certified as a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.”

Dr. Michael Dadson Langley BC Counselling and Therapy

During this time of uncertainty with the Coronavirus, Michael Dadson has had many conversations with people about how we can handle the uncertainty for ourselves and our families. Here are some thoughts:

1) It’s NORMAL to feel anxious: everyone feels the uncertainty of the situation, you are not alone in feeling this way.

2) We can REDUCE feelings of powerlessness by seeing it as our job to help lower the curve. By isolating at home, we are taking a powerful step in combating this disease.

3) HELP, rather than judge or blame. We all have a different response to stress.

4) Take advantage of the situation by DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY. We can socialize through video calls, and offer business services online.

 #Langley #michaeldadson #onlinecounselling

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